We offer clients three tiers of service, depending on their situation and needs as they relate to compliance with government regulations regarding reserve fund responsibility. Services are specifically tailored to the laws and codes of each client's respective jurisdiction.
Tier I is a Full Reserve Study and is the most comprehensive study that we offer. A Full Reserve Study is recommended for an initial baseline study of a new facility. This study creates a complete component list and provides the foundation for all future Reserve Studies. Our Tier I study includes:
A Tier II Reserve Study Update relies on the accuracy of the measurements taken during the Full Reserve Study and therefore, does not include the taking of measurements. The Tier II Reserve Study is recommended for a periodic update to the component list and financial analysis. Periodic updates should be scheduled every two to five years. A Tier II Reserve Study may be warranted more frequently for facilities with complex component inventories or that have recently completed a major repair or replacement project. Our Tier II study includes:
Tier III is a Reserve Study Update Without Site Visit. This service relies on communication via email and telephone with onsite personnel and service vendors to gather the information needed to update the financial analysis. This tier of service depends heavily on the reliability of the existing Reserve Study and is appropriate for years where there has been little change and for facilities with limited component inventory lists. Since there isn't a site visit, no photographs or measurements are taken. Our Tier III study includes: